Well being therapy
Well-Being Therapy, developed by Giaovanni Fava an Italian researcher, has been known to help people adopt a more optimistic outlook and hold onto positive emotions longer. This most likely results from strengthening interactions with Pre-Frontal Cortex and the reward and pleasure circuits in our brains.
Well-Being Therapy consists of three exercises done everyday through out your week:
- Three times a day write down one positive thing about yourself and one positive about someone you interact with regularly.
- Express gratitude often. Say “thank you,” keep a gratitude journal, write an appreciative note to someone, or make a caring phone call. Do whatever feels appropriate to you, but make a point to notice and express your gratitude.
- Compliment others regularly. Start actively looking for opportunities to give authentic compliments, and you might be surprised at the multitude of reasons you find, such as a coworkers’ thoroughness, someone holding the door for you, or a neighbor’s beautiful flower bed. When handing out your kind words, look the person in the eyes and make a connection. Don’t forget to include yourself in the compliments.
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