Inner Child Work
Inner Child Work

What is Inner child work?

Inner child healing is powerful! If our conscious mind makes up for only five percent of the active potential in our brain then tapping into the subconscious is an important process for healing. Although the father of Psychology Wilhelm Wundt, did not believe that we could understand our unconscious behaviours, this was later challenged by Freud who believed that the unconscious mind is actually a reservoir of thoughts, feelings and urges which dictate our behaviour. Freud was famous for Psychoanalysis, having his patients lie down on a couch while attempting to access this ‘unconscious’ information. This work evolved when his student, Carl Jung developed the process of ‘shadow work’ which further examines the more powerful side of consciousness which needs to be healed and restored.

In my practice, I have never met anyone who did not have a wounded inner child. That does not exist for anyone and if I have a patient who tells me they had a perfect childhood (which has happened), it would be narcissistic of me to encourage them or push them to further explore this. People heal themselves with divine timing, when things fall into place for them and when they are meant to.

The inner child is a concept that demonstrates a closeness with purity, love and light. Due to the fact that we incarnate into a very heavy third dimensional space, we are bound to encounter difficulties along the way. We are meant to endure these difficulties to raise the vibration of ourselves and those around us, because from dark experiences comes learning, healing and growth. Inner child wounds can show up as many things from sudden loss, rejection, punishment, bullying, abuse and so on and can vary in severity. As children when we encounter these wounds over time our brain operates with a level of dissonance or discomfort so we utilize whatever awareness we have to get rid of the unwanted stimuli or occurrence. As children, we can not process why we have been mistreated and we often blame ourselves. Little Suzy thinks her dad doesn’t come home at night because he just doesn’t love her and Dan thinks his mom is often critical because something is wrong with him. Children do not know how to process a sudden realization that the world is not the essence of love and source energy from which they originated. As the brain continues to develop we learn to think differently at different stages in life and coping skills evolve.

What many people do not realize is that our wounds, whether we repress, regress, project, deflect or ignore, remain in our subconscious. You can think of the subconscious mind as a third party scribe taking down every thought feeling and emotion that has ever existed for you. As many early scholars pointed out, this does influence our current reality in a variety of ways, from the relationships we form to the choices we utilize on a daily basis.

Although humans exist in the third dimensional frequency, laws of the Universe do not prevent us from tapping into the fourth dimension which is uniform, where time does not exist. This is why the practice of healing your inner child that I will outline below works. Not only does this practice release lower vibratory emotions while clearing out your subconscious cobwebs, it heals your future as well.

Place your hand on your heart and read out loud:

My intention for this meditation is to heal my wounded inner child and release any energetic thoughts, feelings, emotions, chords or soul fragments that no longer serve me, wrapping them in love light and forgiveness, letting go.

It is best to create space for this meditation practice by giving yourself time to relax. Dim the lights, light a candle and surround yourself with crystals. With all meditation, the goal is to drop into a theta brain wave.

Click play below and enjoy!

by Guided Meditation
Healing Your Inner Child

1 Comment

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    Krist Thurgood

    Posted August 26, 2021 9:30 am

    What’s up, just wanted to say, I loved this article.

    It was helpful. Keep on posting!

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